Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam viverra consectetur tortor, in dignissim neque molestie sit amet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce vitae pretium lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas at lectus et est malesuada dapibus id quis mauris. Donec lobortis nisi at mi ullamcorper, non pretium enim tincidunt. Maecenas nulla diam, cursus ac dolor eu, pellentesque cursus velit. Integer hendrerit, risus facilisis fermentum egestas, ipsum erat hendrerit risus, in ultrices metus leo eu libero. Nulla vitae ipsum eget eros interdum ultrices in vitae tortor.
90-minute one-on-one session
Billed up front
one time fee
  • Clarity
  • Mindset
  • Framework 
 In this 90-minute strategy session we will explore your business & client avatar to get clear on your vision & who you are meant to serve. We will dig deep into what is holding you back in your business & create new thought patterns that align you with success. We will discuss your income goals & map out your months to make it easy for you to hit your target.
5 hour one-on-one session
Billed up front
one time fee
  • Clarity
  • Digital Solutions
  • Email Marketing
In this 5 hour business intensive session we will explore your business & client avatar to get clear on your vision & who you are meant to serve. We will go a little deeper and ultimately determine what capacity you can best serve your clients with your offers. We will take your offerings and design a business structure that allows for ease of use and automation. We will uncover your clients wants & needs and use that to create an email nurture sequence that converts your subscribers into paying clients. 
6 week blended program
Billed in full OR 3 equal payments of $465
  • Step-by-step coaching
  • Weekly accountability
  • Customized Strategy Sessions
Success At First Launch is a blended program designed to provide you with a step-by-step framework to follow to build and establish your business while giving you the personal support you need to stay motivated. I will work with you, alongside the program curriculum, to help you work through your offers, build your business, and create thought patterns that will align you with success. 
Copyright 2017 // kai@kaidumont.com // Terms of Use
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